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Get to Know Brisas de Volcán

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Get to know Volcán, home to Brisas de Volcán

Volcán is a town located in the newly created District of Tierras Altas in the Province of Chiriqui, Republic of Panama. Volcán has a elevation of 1.300 masl - 1.500 masl in the populated areas and is home to the Baru Volcano, the highest point in Panama at 3.475 masl. The area enjoys spring-like weather with temperatures between 0 °C (at the summit of the volcano) and 26 °C.

Volcán is known locally as the "Little Switzerland". immigrants from Switzerland and Europe in general came here long ago and left an undeniable look in the local architecture. Wood cabins,  some of them with fireplaces dot the emerald green scenery.

Volcan has 12,717 habitants. Most of the population is local mestizo, or Caucasians descendants of the first settlers. Many new immigrants have come recently from North America, Asia and Europe. Local natives also come regularly to work on the dairy farms, agricultural businesses and coffee plantations.

The newly created District of Tierras Altas ("The Highlands") has Volcan as its capital and also encompasses other towns like Cuesta de Piedra, Paso Ancho, Nueva California, and Cerro Punta.

The first settlers of Swiss origin dedicated themselves to the production of coffee, cattle, and woodworking. The core of the local economy is still farming, but tourism is slowly growing in importance. In Volcan we find production of vegetables, fruits, flowers, coffee, trout, dairy, as well as other agricultural related industries.  Volcán is the economic hub of the Highlands. As such, it has all the basic utilities, like water, electricity, phone landlines, cell phone services, Internet, as well as banking services, government offices, 24 hour supermarket, numerous gas stations, pharmacies, mechanic services, health services ( a new hospital is on the way),  dozens of hotels and rent cabins, as well as properly maintained asphalted roads,

Our farms produce milk with the best quality in the country, award winning coffee, and logistics centers for the produce that goes to the rest of the country (In fact, the Highlands of Chiriqui are considered the breadbasket of Panama). The local economy is booming due to the development of hydroelectric projects in some areas of Volcán.


There are many unique attractions in Volcán, here are some of them:

Volcán Barú National Park / La Amistad International Park, just 15 minus away from Brisas de Volcán. A first class birdwatching area, specially for the elusive and beautiful quetzal.

Volcán hot springs

Cotito hot springs

Sitio Barriles, an archaeological site with lots of Pre-Columbian artifacts.

Volcán Lakes

Las Fuentes sprongs

Colorado waterfalls

Pando Hill

La Neblina waterfalls

Coffee farms, where some of the world's best coffees are produced.

Don Lara Farm

Dairy Farms

Chiriquí Viejo River

Tizingal Trout Farms

El Llano (the meadows of Volcán with an impressive magnetic hill. A perfect site for amateur astronomy.)

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